A Novel Methodology of Literature Review of a Flat Plate Liquid Solar Collector

Document Type : Review Article


1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed To Be) University, Mullana, India

2 Vedantu Innovations Private Limited, Karnataka, India

3 Mechanical Engineering Department, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed To Be) University, Mullana

4 Department of Agriculture, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed To Be) University, Mullana, India



In this study, a literature review in the area of flat plate liquid solar collector (FPLSC) is carried out using an effective and efficient approach. The approach is based on research issues and other attributes those affect the system performance. These issues and attributes are collected from the presently published literature. Attributes can be classified into different categories for better handling, storage and identification. In case of FPLSC, attributes are classified as general, operational, environmental, type of application, type of work, instruments used and others. An information matrix (IM) is developed between present literature and the attributes. It is shown that the IM is a powerful source to derive knowledge from the database of research publications using different tools of excel software and is very useful to the industrialists, designers and researchers. Moreover, the academic value of different papers and attributes is obtained in this study. By comparing information obtained from IM and cause & effect diagram the gaps in the existing literature are easily identified. The IM is easily stored in computers on excel sheet. The IM being flexible and comprehensive become an archive of FPLSC and a permanent asset to be updated and used in future research work.


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