About Journal

About JSER

After three successful international conferences on Solar Energy held at the University of Tehran, Iran, in 2014, permission for publication of the new peer-reviewed scientific quarterly journal called "Journal of Solar Energy Research (JSER)" has been received.

JSER is devoted exclusively to the science and technology of solar energy applications. This journal places a strong emphasis on applications such as solar devices for home and industrial uses, solar heating, and cooling systems, solar power systems and units, solar energy in buildings, and agricultural uses of solar energy. JSER welcomes manuscripts presenting information not previously published in journals on any aspect of solar energy research, development, application, measurement, or policy. Submitted manuscripts may take the form of reports of original studies or reviews of significant prior work in a given area. All manuscripts are subject to reviews to assure accuracy, clarity, and long-term value. Publishes Research Papers that contain original research of permanent interest in all areas of energy conservation and solar energy as well as discussions of policy and regulatory issues that affect renewable energy technologies and their implementation. Papers that do not include original work but nonetheless present quality analysis or incremental improvements to past work may be published as Research notes.  This journal is published 4 times per year.

This is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that welcomes any manuscript for review without any kind of prejudice.