Long-term Evaluation and Analysis of a Residential Building Integrated with PVT/ water and PVT Al2O3/Water Systems in Basra, South of Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Development and Optimization of Energy Technologies Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran



This paper aims to study providing electricity and domestic hot water demand for a single-family house in Basra city, south of Iraq. Three systems have been simulated by TRNSYS16 software to determine their thermal and electrical performance: traditional house (without PVT), with the PVT/water-based and with the PVT/0.4%Al2O3 systems. The annual energy consumption, collected energy, auxiliary energy, thermal solar fraction and domestic hot water have been analyzed in long-term simulation. The results show that the use of the PVT/water and the PVT/0.4%Al2O3 systems combined with the house decreased the annual energy consumption by about 43.54% and 52. 33% compared with the traditional house. The results also established that when using the PVT/0.4%Al2O3 system, the collected energy increased by 17.12%, while the auxiliary energy decreased by 31.51% compared with the PVT/water system. It is also concluded that using both the PVT/Al2O3 and the PVT/water systems with the traditional building covered the domestic hot water demand at about 42% to 100%, and 46% to 100% in various months, respectively. Finally, the results highlighted that there is an improvement in the thermal solar fraction of about 14.5% in the case of using the PVT/Al2O3 system compared with the PVT/water) system


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