Construction and Analysis of Smart Solar Bench with the Optimal Angle in Four Central Cities of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Physics and Energy Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran



Since Iran has an average of 256 sunny days a year, solar energy in Iran can be used on a large scale. There are many mathematical models for measuring radiation on the surface, but choosing the best model can help measurement accuracy. In this article, first, direct and diffused radiation in Shiraz, Isfahan, Kerman, and Yazd, which are the central cities of Iran, has been calculated. The calculation has been done using the NRI model in MATLAB software. The powers received from this bench are computed in each city and their maximum efficiency is shown. The mentioned solar bench was built with a fixed angle. By comparing the efficiency between the mentioned cities, we identified the city with the most suitable place for building this solar bench. In Kerman, we can receive the highest amount of power throughout the year by using the optimum angle which measured. Due to the location of this city, it was expected to have the highest amount. This article examines the technical methods of using solar systems in urban architecture, emphasizing integration methods. The proposed and implemented model of the solar tree has the options to adjust the optimal angle and beautify passages, parks, and recreation centers. All these features make it useful to charge electronic equipment such as mobile phones, tablets, and electric bicycles through clean solar energy.


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